Sunday 24 November 2013

The Day of the Doctor

Not a Spoiler Free Post. 

I haven't been a Doctor Who fan for very long. Definitely not as long as some, and you can partly blame this on me not being born fifty years ago, and partly because it took me until I was nineteen to start watching it. When I did though, I fell completely in love with it and have been religiously watching it ever since. I also recently finished watching Christopher Eccleston as Nine, and have begun watching David Tennant's first series. 
Yesterday morning I woke bright and early at 6:45, just in time to make a cup of tea before watching the 50th Anniversary Episode 'The Day of the Doctor'.
I'll tell you right now that I loved the episode. I was a little bit worried about the Doctor going back and changing the fact that he killed all the Time Lords, and I keep changing my mind about it. It just seems like something he would always carry, and now it could be gone. At the moment though I am happy that he's happy.
I also liked Clara in this episode more than I ever had before. I have to admit that I haven't been quite so taken with Clara. Perhaps I'm sore from losing Amy, but I just haven't been enjoying the show as much since Amy and Rory left. I still watch the episodes, because Eleven is my Doctor and I will forever and always love the show, no matter who is on it. I think I enjoyed this episode more because now the Doctor's "figured out" who she is, they can just go on adventures without her being a problem that he has to solve. 
I loved how they put Billie Piper as Rose in the episode. I'm glad she wasn't actually Rose, because I feel like that would have ruined it. I wish though, that when Ten had asked "what Bad Wolf girl?" that John Hurt's Doctor had answered him. It just didn't seem plausible that Ten didn't care that he hadn't got an answer and was fine with not knowing if she was there or not. 

What I really loved about the 50th Anniversary were all the other things that they also did to celebrate. My absolute favourite thing was Paul McGann's (the Eight Doctor) mini-episode 'The Night of the Doctor' which if you haven't watched yet, it's amazing and you should go now. I also loved the 'The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot' which has some amazing guest cameos (I would say who but I don't want to give the surprise away!). Even though I haven't seen any episodes from the Classic-Who era, this was still such a hilarious watch. I did have a little background information, which does help but still great even if you don't know anything about this era. One other amazing thing was the one-off episode 'An Adventure in Space and Time' written by Mark Gatiss and starring David Bradley (Argus Filch in Harry Potter). It's all about the story behind the first Doctor and how the show came about. It was a really good, interesting watch and a must-see if you're a big fan of the show. 
I am so pleased that they celebrated the anniversary properly, with something for everyone. 

Did you enjoy The Day of the Doctor? Let me know in the comments! 

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